Wendy Williams’ guardian accused of robbing another client in $30M lawsuit while overseeing Williams’ finances

Pinch News

The U.S. Sun has uncovered exclusive details regarding a lawsuit implicating Wendy’s guardian, Sabrina Morrissey, and her legal firm, Morrissey & Morrissey LLP, along with about 10 other attorneys. The suit alleges a conspiracy to perpetuate a baseless guardianship against Jose Verdugo, who won $5.5 million in a personal injury claim. Attorney Michael Flomenhaft, representing Verdugo, claimed that the trouble began when a former associate misrepresented Flomenhaft’s handling of the case to Verdugo. Wendy’s guardian and others allegedly became involved in the dispute, aiming to impose a guardianship on Verdugo. The lawsuit accuses the defendants of pursuing litigation that drained Verdugo’s settlement, allegedly without his consent. The case further alleges racketeering and violations of civil rights laws, seeking punitive damages of $30 million.

Photo of Wendy Williams’ financial guardian Sabrina E. Morrissey (Source: Morrissey & Morrissey LLP)

In 2022, Wendy’s bank Wells Fargo locked her out of her accounts and filed a petition for a guardianship hearing for her. In documents, Wendy’s lawyer shared how her former financial advisor informed the bank that Wendy “was of unsound mind” and was denying her access to her bank accounts and statements. Eventually, Wendy was placed in a court-approved financial conservatorship under attorney Morrissey.

Wendy has executive produced and filmed a major documentary, ‘Where’s Wendy Williams?‘ that was previously premiered on Lifetime. However, two days before its premiere, Wendy’s guardian, Sabrina Morrissey, filed a sealed lawsuit for injunctive relief in New York County Supreme Court against the documentary.

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