UK health experts warn measles outbreak could potentially become worse

measles mumps and rubella vaccination concept with syringe in vaccine vial and other vials in background

Health experts in England warn of a potential serious measles outbreak with tens of thousands of cases. The U.K. Health Security Agency reports 216 confirmed cases and 103 probable cases in the West Midlands region since October, particularly centered around Birmingham. The vaccination rate in England has been declining due to misinformation and budget cuts, with only 89% of children receiving their first measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine dose by age 2. The World Health Organization recommends a 95% vaccination rate for herd immunity. The U.K. is launching a campaign to encourage vaccination, addressing challenges such as misinformation and low uptake among specific groups. Measles cases are also rising across Europe and the U.S., sparking concerns globally.

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